Whether you are planning a business or already in business, plan now to attend our October 18th IRS Tax Workshop to make sure you’re doing all the right things for your small business!
The Winthrop Regional Small Business Development Center in Rock Hill, SC is offering a FREE tax workshop for prospective and new small business owners. The workshop will be held from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM on October 18, 2010, in Room 415 of the Thurmond Building (College of Business) on the campus of Winthrop University.
The Small Business IRS Tax Workshop contains general information about different types of business organizations, record keeping requirements and business tax returns. This workshop is one of two taxpayer education programs sponsored by the Winthrop Small Business Development Center each year, along with a CPA and representatives of the SC Employment Security and the SC Department of Revenue. It is directed toward the small businessperson who is starting a business or has recently started a small business in the service, retail or manufacturing area. Existing businesses are also welcome.
The morning session will cover federal tax requirements for small businesses and the afternoon session will cover state tax and employment security obligations. A packet of helpful reference publications is given to each participant.
To register for the workshop or for more information, please register online at http://www.winthropregionalsbdc.org , or contact the SBDC by calling (803) 323-2283.